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Warrior leads high-quality farmer training to help rural revitalization

Time: 2022-02-16 From: Times Starlight Views:

The cultivation of new-type professional farmers was officially launched in 2014, and in 2019, it was upgraded to the cultivation of high-quality farmers. High-quality farmer training is a national strategy to solve the problem of "who will farm the land" in the future, and it is also the focus of rural talent revitalization. As the main force of rural revitalization, high-quality farmers are the new blue ocean of future agricultural modernization, the most important interest group in urban and rural planning, and the best combination of consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.


Recently, Warrior Aviation UAV Flight Base and our school-enterprise cooperation unit, Pujiang County Vocational Secondary School, jointly launched a social training focusing on promoting agriculture through science and technology, from a number of professional cooperatives, family farms, and long-term grain and oil production, A total of 155 people from large households of vegetable and fruit planting participated in the training.

The purpose is to vigorously cultivate four types of farmers: production and operation, professional skills, professional service, and entrepreneurial innovation, and to speed up the cultivation of a group of new-type professional farmers with culture, technology, good management, and management skills in the new era, so as to contribute to the overall development of agriculture. Provide talent protection.


The training adopts a combination of "classroom teaching + base training + inspection and exchange", and invites a number of professional and technical personnel to give lectures, covering the interpretation of policies to strengthen and benefit farmers, introduction to drone structure, and plant protection drones in improving fertilization efficiency , application in agricultural production such as control of crop diseases and insect pests, and common sense of safe flight. The training class employs experts who are familiar with "Sannong", have rich theoretical foundation and rich practical experience as theoretical lecturers and practical training teachers to ensure that students can gain something in both theory and practice.


Through this training, learn the basis for further improving the production skills, management level and entrepreneurial ability of high-quality farmers. Strengthen the main body of new-type farmers, accelerate the development of modern agriculture, improve the quality of farmers, and improve the application level of farmers' agricultural science and technology. To meet the diversified needs, better promote the coordinated development of the local economy, and provide intellectual support for the revitalization of rural talents.


At the same time, it will expand the professional social service capabilities of the Warrior UAV flight base, further deepen school-enterprise cooperation, promote the development of the city's modern agricultural industry, and further contribute to the revitalization of the countryside.